Once a year, ususally in June, Runway 15/33 is closed for repair. Planes then use the other one (11/29), landing on Runway 29. This is met with howls of protest from residents of Ursynów, while I say "hurry up and fix that runway, because I miss my planes!"
Above: A LOT Polish Airlines Boeing 767 flies over Platan Park, ul. Poloneza earlier this morning.
And the weather has changed back again; after yesterday's dark skies and rainfall, it's set fair once more.
This time last year:
On being assertive in Poland
My Dad (to join Mom) is going to his place in Kabaty in a few weeks. He hates the planes-When do you think they will go back to using Runway 15/33?
I love your blog and check it every day.
Andrew in Calif.
Thanks for the kind comment! It's feedback like this that keeps bloggers blogging on.
In answer to your question:
Runway 15/33 will be closed until tomorrow morning at 10:00. Half an hour later, Runway 11/29 will be closed until 25 May, Ursynów will have 11 days of guaranteed peace and quiet. After the repairs are complete, the runway used for landing/take off will be entirely dependent on wind. As the north-westerly prevails over the westerly, the use of 11/29 for landing is relatively infrequent.
A2321/09 - RWY 11/29 CLSD FOR ARR AND TKOF DUE TO TECR. 14 MAY 10:30 2009 UNTIL 25 MAY 10:00
2009. CREATED: 24 APR 10:32 2009
A2320/09 - RWY 15/33 CLSD FOR ARR AND TKOF DUE TO TECR. 11 MAY 06:00 2009 UNTIL 14 MAY 10:00
2009. CREATED: 24 APR 10:30 2009
I passed your information to Dad, he says; "thanks".
Andrew in Calif.
I think when they close down that runway for repair, I'll have a small, plane-shaped hole in my heart (and eardrum) when I can no longer watch the planes take off out my office window.
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