Five days of hill walking has taken its toll. Today was a navigational disaster - I missed the turn-off for the blue trail up to Jasień and ended up going way too far east. Still, another 18km or so underfoot, weather still glorious, if not a little too hot now. Photos - another disaster. I transfered today's batch of 30 or so pics from camera's flash card to pen drive via laptop. When all were cut'n'pasted across, I went to delete one and deleted the lot. Because the transfer process was done directly rather than via the laptop's hard disk, the whole lot went and I could not recover them.
Tomorrow - Kraków and culture. Eddie's staying in Dobra (his friends Sabina and Alex are arriving today), but I'm off to the Andreas Feininger exhibition at the MCK in Kraków's Rynek Główny. After last year's hellish car journey from Dobra to Kraks (traffic jams, trouble with parking, ale-free status etc), it'll be the bus each way, a mere 12 zlotys for the 72km journey.
I'm off to see Feininger's exhibition for two reasons; firstly the show consists of his photos of New York City in the 1940s and '50s. *Paff!* Secondly, Feininger was one of my textbook tutors when I was learning photography 30 years ago. I'd be borrowing his books (the one with this image on the front was a favourite).
Above: Feininger's most famous image? The one on the cover of the textbook that along with Ansel Adam's trilogy
The Camera,
The Negative and
The Print, taught me much of what I know about (analogue) photography.

His New York images are equally iconic (right). If you happen to be in Kraks this summer and share my aesthetic vision, don't miss his exhibition. Open daily (except Mondays) at the MCK, Rynek Główny 25, through to 29 August from 11:00 to 19:00. 8zł adults, 4zł concessions.
Hi Michael,
I took some pictures of something I 'wasn't supposed to' the other day and a security guard made me delete them right off the camera. Really, it was only a picture of a train. In any case I deleted the pictures without hesitation because I knew I could recover them as soon as I got home. Maybe you know all of this already, but if you haven't read and written to that memory card again, you can probably recover the bulk, if not all of your photos.
In ubunu linux, I use a simple tool called photorec that comes with a program called testdisk. It's all free.
I'm really not trying to be a linux evangelist, but I just had your similar problem last week and thought I'd point out what worked for me.
KM - my next laptop is due soon. I do not want Microsoft Fister or Window 7 - a complete memory-wasting load of crap. I'd be happy to go Linux next time round. But need it to be at least as user-friendly to install and operate as Microsoft XP (still serving reasonably well on home and office PCs).
You're right, XP is serviceable for many. You can download a 'Live CD' of Ubuntu at that you can test drive without altering your hard drive. Bet you like it. There's lots of help available online, and although I'm no expert, I'd be happy to meet with you some afternoon to play with it.
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