While Englishmen no longer wear bowler hats and never took tea at five o'clock (Polish readers take note!), their capital is still beset by fog. And most usually, in recent years, at Yuletide. On 23 December, Londoners woke up to fog which hung over their city all day long. Travel chaos hit Heathrow Airport, with scores of cancelled flights. A day earlier, we managed to fly in, albeit with a delay if over two hours. Yesterday marked the Winter Solstice, the shortest day in the northern hemisphere. From now on, each day will get successively longer, all the way through to 22 June. Individual daily differences are most marked around equinox - four minutes or more - while around the solstice days' length varies by no more than seconds.
Above: Cleveland Park in thick fog.
Below: Pitshanger Park in thick fog.
Great pictures!
I loved them, too - very atmospheric!
Thanks guys!!!
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