Spotted in a field between Mysiadło and Zgorzała. From a distance, I thought it was a bird of prey (
drapieżnik), given the large wingspan. Looking at the photos, I can see the head and beak are wrong for family
Falconidae. I really can't tell! I cannot begin the think where to look for it in my
Observer's Book of British Birds... Dark upper surfaces, white beneath, white cheeks and eyebrows, reddish-brown just ahead of the tail. Call was a characteristic
oo-eep! oo-eeeep! Can anyone enlighten me?
Looks like a lapwing (czajka)... Vanellus vanellus...
Thanks Rysiek - p.170, Lapwing indeed. This explains the funny thing sticking out of the top of its head in the one (very long distance) shot I had of it on the ground - its 'fine long crest'.
Yet another species identified!
The Polish name 'czajka' is misleading, pronounced exactly like the Russian 'chaika' or seagull...
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