Here's the crazy idea. What's the lowest possible price for which in can dip my toes in the sea? Tanie Linie Kolejowe (Cheap Railway Lines) will take you from Warsaw to anywhere in Poland by night train for a mere 66 zł. To make the most of this offer, I've bought a return ticket to Międzyzdroje, just ten miles from the German border.
Two nights on a train and one entire day by the seaside. My train leaves Warsaw this evening at half past ten and arrives at Międzyzdroje at half past seven in the morning and departs for Warsaw tomorrow just before nine pm, to arrive in Warsaw at around six am. So I spend 132 zł (less than thirty quid) to get to the seaside and back, and nothing for accommodation. This is not a gig for light sleepers, dear reader! (Click
here to read about my most recent night train excursion.)

After having bought the tickets, I discover that the weather by the seaside will be less than clement (click image above for detailed forecast for tomorrow in Międzyzdroje). Still, the idea is not to sunbathe but to feel the bracing sea wind and spray, and to commune with a maritime environment, something I've not done since August 2007 (details
here and
This time last year:
Accounting for the past - 20 years on from PRL's fall
This time two years ago:
Some news for lovers of fine British cheefef
This time four years ago:
Over the Peaks by bus
I miss the bracing sea wind too. I hope to feel it in September. 66 zł is not too much. Have a good trip.:)
Living in the UK it was always relatively easy to pop to the seaside, something I miss living here. And it's just not the same here either. In the UK you have practically every kind of coastline imaginable - here flat beach. I've shown family here a photo of barnacles (pąkle) I had framed and I might as well have been showing them the surface of Mars, whilst 'back home' practically everyone whose ever been to the coast knows what they are. Quite sad really.
Enjoy your trip.
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