
Yaaaaawn. Totalny brak wyobrażni. If you need four-wheel drive to take the hay bales down to the lower paddock or drive piglets to the market, and you have a muddy lane from your farm to the main road to cross, then yes - you need one of these. If you live in Ursynów and simply want to drive your lazy lard-arse each day to your central Warsaw office to proclaim your position atop of the status-hierarchy ladder, then you're as anti-social as a flatulent smoker in a crowded lift.
This time last year:
This time four years ago:
Where I'm from, and why
That cheered me up :)
Is it because they're black or because they're 4x4s or the two together?
@ Anon - it's the two together - coupled with the DARKENED REAR WINDOWS... I mean, why not buy a van if you want to inflict darkness upon your passengers! It's SOOOOOOO mindlessly unoriginal. Hey! Look at me! I've got money... So I'm trying to look like everyone else who's got money!
Not just boring. Ugly! And many people who drive those car lack skills necessary to drive bigger cars - look how they are parked...
I think I've once shared the observation that puzzlingly many such cars are driven by young (aged less than 35) women
@ Bartek,
I too noticed a disproportionate number of younger women at the wheel. They'll tell you they feel safer sat up high in a massive vehicle. Why not drive a eight-wheel drive dumper truck? And by the same logic - white is a much safer colour than black!
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