My cousin Teresa and her husband Peter are in Poland, visiting Kraków, so I went down for the day to meet them. After breakfast at their hotel, the well-located and well-appointed Andel's, we head off for
Kazimierz, what was, before the Holocaust, the centre of Jewish life in Kraków. The place has come on in recent years, but I fear it's taken on a bit of a back-packy image now with hostels and cafés and bars aimed at the youth market.
Above: a quiet corner of the main square in Kazimierz. Elsewhere, a visual cacophony of typefaces, armies of young people trying to entice you take this city tour or to eat at that restaurant, flyers for music spots and clubs litter the pavements. The result is that a place which once had a unique atmosphere - and one that requires a degree of quiet reflection - is becoming like any other international tourist draw. A taxi with a sign in the rear window saying "AUSCHWITZ Salt Mine CHEAP" touts for business. Dreadful.
We visit the 16th-Century
High Synagogue, one of six synagogues in Kazimierz. Below: the interior, photographed with the 10-24mm Nikkor, which really comes into its own in situations like this. The image is unaltered in Photoshop in terms of colour, saturation or contrast (converging verticals were corrected).

We press on, walking the streets of Kazimierz. Here is the Old Synagogue, dating back to the 15th Century (
below), the view is of the side and rear of the building.

On we went, across the Vistula, towards the site of the wartime
Jewish Ghetto (not Kazimierz, but a separate enclave built by the Nazis after they'd invaded Kraków) and thence towards the recently opened
Oscar Schindler's factory museum. An outstanding place; an absolute must-visit. It's modelled on Warsaw's Uprising museum in the way exhibits are displayed and the way the story unfolds as you walk through it. Sadly, the
museum's website is poor, and does little by way of encouraging visitors.
Above: Schindler's secretary's desk. The museum is vivid and powerful, extremely well designed. The story of how Nazi party member and entrepreneur Oscar Schindler saved 1,200 Jews working at his factory from death will be familiar to all who saw Steven Spielberg's film, Schindler's List; the museum places that famous episode into the context of Kraków under Nazi occupation and the tragedy of Poles and Jews alike who found themselves there.
Below: the last room in the exhibition - the Hall of Choices. A place to reflect inwardly on what you have just seen and internalise those thoughts. How do we react in the face of evil?

The area around Schindler's factory, Zabłocie (literally 'behind the muds') is becoming trendy. Just look (
below) at the sophistication of the street art around here!

We made our way back to the Stary Rynek for supper; how touristy and banal it all seemed; yet safe and secure, a world away from the horrors and inhumanity that we must never forget, for it all happened less than seven decades ago.
This time two years ago:
Dismal graffiti yields to street art, W-wa Żwirki i Wigury
[Sadly these photos are for the record only; they were sprayed over by the mindless spray-can community weeks later]
This time three years ago:
A dove in the house
This time four years ago:
Coming in to land from the east