The school holidays are over, journey times across town during rush hours return to their usual durations. Transport infrastructure investments continue. Ul. Marszałkowska's central section (from Pl. Zbawiciela to Pl. Bankowy) is closed to trams; and the flooding of the Powiśle Metro station on the second line under construction looks likely to cripple road traffic around the Wisłostrada for months to come.
Meanwhile, work on the 'Elka', the 'L'-shaped road with the S79 dropping down north-south from ul. Sasanki to Węzeł ('junction') Lotnisko ('airport') and the S2 cutting across west to east from the airport junction to Węzeł Puławska is accelerating. The storm water reservoirs for ul. Wirażowa have been filled in and covered by the S79 and the progress on the new railway viaduct at Węzeł Lotnisko is visible. It may not all be ready by Christmas, but by next summer?
Above and
below: now that the new viaducts that carry ul. Sasanki over the railway line at W-wa Służewiec have been opened to traffic (the west-bound one is visible to the left), the old viaduct that ran between them is being demolished. Quite a view, especially with the cranes working on the new business district in the background.
Below: now that the new viaducts carrying ul. Sasanki over the railway and what will be the S79 are open, there are new bus stops and new stairways down from them to platform level.
Below: a view from the southbound platform at W-wa Służewiec, looking at the newly opened viaduct on ul. Sasanki. Note the stairways and wheelchair lifts linking the bus stop on the bridge with... with what? There's nothing down here. One day, the S79 will continue northward beyond Sasanki, but for the time being, the S79 will end here, with ramps running onto ul. Marynarska (eastward) and Sasanki (westwards) in both directions. And that 160m-long footbridge (in the distance to the left) also currently goes nowhere.

The early September weather remains most clement; may it remain so, even though the days are getting shorter and shorter and Equinox is a little over two weeks away.
This time last year:
Clinging onto summer - cycling to Powsin
This time two years ago:
Composition in blue and yellow
This time three years ago:
This time four years ago:
My favourite aircraft
This time five years ago:
Утомлённые солнцем
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