Is this the inevitable fate of the wetlands at the end of ul. Trombity? This is Paradise Fields wetlands, Greenford, Middlesex ( 51°32'39.08"N, 0°20'29.23"W). A mile or so from our London house, eight miles from Marble Arch. Packaged as a "leisure facility" for coachloads of bored school children. On our visit, Moni, Eddie and I were outnumbered by uniformed council Rangers on patrol, each sporting a pair of binoculars and wellies. Viewing platforms, fenced off from the water, enable visitors to safely participate in the wetlands experience. Footpaths prevent footwear from becoming muddy. Byelaws (
below) prevent you from doing everything except fly-tipping and dumping litter (the one thing that detracts from our Jeziorki wetlands paradise.
Let's hope that our low, low council rates in Jeziorki (30 quid a year) stops anyone in the Town Hall from having any right-on ideas about civilising our reedbeds.
I find it quite amazing that Polish is becoming the London Borough of Ealing's second official language!
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